Wellbeing on the farm: strengthening resources and skills
Partnerji projekta: Družbenomedicinski inštitut ZRC SAZU (vodilni partner), Karakter - inštitut za osebnostne motnje in oblikovanje osebnosti, Zveza slovenske podeželske mladine, Zavod za raziskovanje narave in okolja.
Sodelavci Družbenomedicinskega inštituta: dr. Lilijana Šprah (vodja programa), dr. Duška Knežević Hočevar, dr. Sanja Cukut Krilić, dr. Nataša Dernovšček Hafner, Anela Klemenc Bešo, Dino Manzoni, Agata Tomažič.
Sodelavki Inštituta Karakter: Maja Valič, dr. Barbara Vogrinec Švigelj
Trajanje projekta: 1. december 2024 – 30. november 2026
Finančni vir: Ministrstvo za zdravje RS.
The project focuses on the agricultural population, who face various mental health problems due to their particular living and working conditions. These include long working hours, social isolation, insecurity due to weather and market conditions, stigmatisation of mental health problems, limited access to mental health services, etc. The project focuses on improving the mental health of the farming population in Slovenia based on a holistic approach that includes training and capacity building in the field of mental health care and psychosocial risk reduction. The agricultural population is exposed to high level of stress due to particular working and living conditions. The project aims to introduce educational materials and activities that will help farmers to better cope with the stressful working and living conditions on farms and to take better care of their mental health.
The main objectives of the project are:
1) Increase mental health literacy and strengthen the factors that favour good mental health among the farming population.
2) Reduce psychosocial distress and suicide rates in the agricultural population.
3) Develop programmes, content, tools and professional material for psychosocial support and mental health literacy.
4) Implementation of education and training measures and capacity building for the implementation of psychosocial support programmes.
5) Implementation of prevention measures that contribute to reducing the risk behaviour among the agricultural population.
Target groups:
Main target group: Farmers and members of farming families.
Subgroups: Young farmers, farmers, older farmers, migrant farm workers and seasonal workers.
Specific target groups that are also included in our project activities are: Professional organisations in the agricultural sector, providers of health and social services in rural areas.
Opismenjevanje o motnjah razpoloženja in pridruženih motnjah
Partnerji programa: Družbenomedicinski inštitut ZRC SAZU (vodilni partner), Inštitut Karakter - inštitut za osebnostne motnje in oblikovanje osebnosti, Društvo Altre - odbor za novosti v duševnem zdravju, Društvo Projekt Človek.
Sodelavci Družbenomedicinskega inštituta: dr. Lilijana Šprah (vodja programa), dr. Duška Knežević Hočevar, dr. Sanja Cukut Krilić, Anela Klemenc Bešo, Dino Manzoni, Agata Tomažič.
Sodelavki Inštituta Karakter: Maja Valič, dr. Barbara Vogrinec Švigelj
Trajanje programa: 15. februar 2023 – 17. november 2025
Finančni vir: Ministrstvo za zdravje RS.
Program »Opismenjevanje o motnjah razpoloženja in pridruženih motnjah« je nadaljevanje in nadgradnja inovativnega programa »Z večjo pismenostjo o duševnem zdravju do obvladovanja motenj razpoloženja«. Program temelji na konceptu pismenosti o duševnem zdravju, ki vključuje kognitivne in socialne spretnosti posameznikove motivacije za dostop do informacij, za njihovo razumevanje ter kritično rabo na način, ki krepi in ohranja duševno zdravje. Ta pristop omogoča širši pogled na duševno zdravje, saj vključuje znanja za obvladovanje dejavnikov tveganja, krepitev varovalnih dejavnikov, hitrejše prepoznavanje težav, manjšo (samo)stigmo in realnejša pričakovanja glede učinkov njihovega zdravljenja. Da bi lahko podali znanja, ki upoštevajo širši družbeni kontekst razumevanja zdravja in bolezni, so aktivnosti programa zasnovane večdisciplinarno. V njihovo izvajanje so poleg strokovnjakov iz Družbenomedicinskega inštituta ZRC SAZU vključeni sodelavci iz Inštituta Karakter in društev Altra in Projekt Človek. Pestra ekipa raznolikih strokovnjakov (psihiatrov, psihoterapevtov, antropologov, psihologov, socialnih delavcev, sociologov in filozofov), bo združila svoje dolgoletne izkušnje na področju krepitve duševnega zdravja in si ga prizadevala povečati na raven znanja splošne populacije o sladkorni bolezni.
Poglavitni cilj programa je dvig pismenosti o duševnih motnjah, saj različni podatki kažejo, da jih prebivalci Slovenije še vedno slabo prepoznavajo. Po ocenah strokovnjakov pa bo v prihodnje njihova pojavnost v primerjavi z ostalimi kategorijami bolezni hitro naraščala. Žal kakovostni programi krepitve duševnega zdravja, preprečevanja, zgodnjega odkrivanja in zdravljenja težav v duševnem zdravju, različnih intervencij (psihoterapija, rehabilitacija in socialna integracija ter programi destigmatizacije) v Sloveniji še vedno niso enako dostopni za vse ljudi v vseh regijah. Zato je predlagan program naravnan tako, da bo povečal dostopnost do različnih informacij, povezanih z zgodnjim prepoznavanjem težav v duševnem zdravju in razpoložljivih oblik (samo)pomoči preko neposrednih izobraževanj in spletne platforme ter tako prispeval k dvigu ravni pismenosti o duševnem zdravju v Sloveniji med raznolikimi prebivalstvenimi skupinami.
Program je inovativen v več vidikih:
- ker naslavlja tako splošno javnost kot ranljive skupine v državi, posebej pa v regijah, ki jih zaznamujejo izrazito neugodni kazalniki neenakosti v zdravju, ter doprinaša h krepitvi strokovnih kapacitet glede duševnega zdravja prebivalstva;
- ker so dejavnosti programa usmerjene v neposredno izobraževanje in usposabljanje strokovnih delavcev ter uporabnikov njihovih storitev v različnih službah v lokalnih okoljih;
- ker se bo izobraževanje izvajalo tudi s prosto dostopno multidisciplinarno spletno platformo (www.omra.si), ki presega geografske in časovne omejitve in bo hkrati trajnostno zagotovila krepitev strokovnih kapacitet pri naslavljanju problemov duševnega zdravja ter izboljšanje duševnega zdravja ciljnih skupin;
- ker vključuje inovativen kvalitativno/kvantitativni pristop ocenjevanja kratkotrajnih kakor tudi spremljanje dolgotrajnih učinkov programa.
The programme »Literacy about mood disorders and personality disorders«
1st March 2020–31st October 2022
The programme »Literacy about mood disorders and personality disorders« is a continuation and an upgrade of the innovative programme »With raised mental health literacy to better managing of mood disorders«. The programme is based on the concept of mental health literacy that includes cognitive and social skills of individuals' motivation to access information, to understand them and to use them critically in a way that strengthens and preserves mental health. Such an approach enables a wider outlook on mental health, since it includes knowledge to master risk factors, the strengthening of protective factors, faster recognition of difficulties, decreased (self) stigma and more realistic expectations about the effects of treatment of such difficulties. In order to convey knowledge that takes into account the wider social context of understanding of health and illness, the activities of the programme are designed in a multidisciplinary way.
Besides experts from the Sociomedical Institute ZRC SAZU also those from Research Center Character, Association Altra and Association Project Human are included in the implementation of the programme. A varied team of experts (psychiatrists, psychotherapists, anthropologists, psychologists, social workers, sociologists and philosophers) will join their long-standing experiences in the field of strengthening mental health and will strive to increase it to the level of knowledge of the general population about diabetes.
The main aim of the programme is the increase of literacy about mood disorders and personality disorders, since different data demonstrate that the population of Slovenia still recognise them poorly. However, in the estimates of experts their prevalence will increase rapidly in comparison with other categories of disease. Unfortunately, quality programmes of strengthening mental health, prevention, early detection and treatment of mood disorders and personality disorders, different interventions (psychotherapy, rehabilitation and social integration and destigmatization programmes) are still not equally accessible to individuals in different regions. In this respect, the programme is designed to increase access to different information, connected to early recognition of mental health difficulties and available forms of (self) help through direct educational programmes and a web-based platform. In this way, it will contribute to increased mental health literacy in Slovenia among different population groups.
The programme is innovative in various ways:
- it addresses the general public as well as vulnerable groups in Slovenia, especially in regions marked by distinctly unfavourable indicators of health inequalities and contributes to strengthening professional capacities in the field of mental health;
- its activities are focussed on direct education and training of professional workers as well as users of different services in local environments;
- the trainings will be carried out also through a freely available multidisciplinary web platform (www.omra.si), that overcomes geographical and time limitations and will also sustainably ensure the strengthening of professional capacities in addressing the issues of mental health and its improvement in target groups;
- it includes an innovative qualitative/quantitative approach in accessing short-term as well as long term effects of the programme
The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia